Singleness & Marriage

Pursuing Purity in Your Marriage

Randy Alcorn titled this article about sexual purity, but I think it’s just a great read filled with great reminders for strengthening all areas of the marriage relationship:

Pursuing Sexual Purity in Your Marriage

Fred and I are really working on the second point—last week he actually CALLED ME UP and ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. And even though (REAL LIFE!), it was only an hour or so after we had a big fight (!!), it STILL felt so edifying for him to ask me out. Just like a man who is interested in a woman would do.

Yes, yes. Fifteen years into our marriage, we are listening to all of that wise counsel everyone and every book says: “Date your spouse!” We’re slow learners, obviously, but teachable. By God’s grace!


Hope you enjoy the article—

Tara B.