Just for Fun!

My male readers may want to ignore this post … ** SHAVE THE DAY **


(Male blog readers, you may want to skip this post. Total chick post. Well, unless you want to bless your wives with a gift certificate or something.)


OK. I hope that you don’t ever feel like I’m trying to sell you anything on this blog. I’m regularly asked to join teams and sell jewelry, makeup, skin care products, storage containers (oooh! that’s a hard one to say no to), etc. etc. And I always say no. And I promise I won’t ever make a DIME off of any sales of this product if you happen to click through and buy it …

But oh my STARS! I love this shaving cream!


Bath and Body Works: Shave the Day (Silky Smooth Shaving Cream)

A tiny sample was included in a (lovely) gift basket I received from my mother in law for my birthday (THANKS, CHRIS!) and I went to use it, not really thinking a) I’d like it; or b) even if I liked it, I’d ever really care about it. I’ve really been a “use the cheapest shaving cream that exists” kind of gal for 25 years or so.

But I have to say, this stuff is amazing. I know it’s just about as non-important an item as I could ever recommend to you, but if you’re ever in the mood to try something new and you happen to be walking by a Bath & Body Works store, I encourage you to check it out.
