
Might Be The Funniest Feedback I Have EVER Received

I am always amazed and humbled every single time I am invited to serve in any teaching/speaking capacity. What a blessing it is to get to spend time with God’s people, enjoying His Word and the fellowship of the saints! Even ol’ introverted me finds it all to be a great joy. And truly, women are wonderful. I love to observe and enjoy their spiritual gifts, intelligence, compassion, creativity, wisdom (I could go on and on …).

But I have to say … two aspects of this particular event are going to stick out in my mind as statistical outliers in the realm of Lori J./Joe A. creating Living the Gospel in Relationships at Southside Fellowship; Jo M. surrounding me with her Secret Service “Go To Black! Let’s Move People Move!” event team at Village Seven; the thank you gift of, literally, “take as many books as you want from our bookstore”; the anonymous (gorgeous!) necklace someone tucked into my purse when I wasn’t looking; the paid-for hair cut & color & full body massage …

Oh, my! I have been blessed by so many people at so many events. And can I tell you now just two reasons why THIS event is so precious to me? (There are many MANY others, too):

1. The women’s ministry director offered to pay my registration fee for the Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Conference (!!). Can you believe it? What a mind-numbingly-generous gift! It still feels like a big ol’ impossibility to actually GET to go (airfare from Montana is just too high) … but what an offer! To quote Fred, “Who would do such a thing?!” A sweet and generous person, that’s who. And that’s how the women of Rio Rancho OPC and Desert Springs Church really are.

2. I received what could possibly be the FUNNIEST feedback I have ever received from any event. In addition to some other very kind and encouraging comments, the woman wrote this:

“I had a friend whose DOG noticed on the RARE occasions she actually cooked. Whenever he heard the electronic ignition on her gas stove click, he would BARK! And she was a high school home ec. teacher! So you are not alone.”


Crack me up!! Can you imagine if Lilikoi gave a Pavolovian “whoof!” on the (RARE!) occasions I actually prepped ingredients and applied heat to food? H.Y.S.T.E.R.I.C.A.L.

See why I love getting to serve in this way so much? I just never know what I am going to learn and what glimpse of God’s glory and blessedness (happiness) I am going to get to see when I’m wheels-down at an event. New Jersey, Virginia, Ontario, Texas, New York & Nevada, I can’t wait to see you in the coming weeks!

Much love and g’nite,
Tara B.