Grace in Daily Life

Jesus brought us here, brought us all here, for her … (HT: Marvin Olasky)

Oh! Please do not miss this astounding article in World Magazine by Marvin Olasky:

Communion with St. Paul–That God might be glorified in Addis Abba

I sat on an airplane last week and WEPT as I read of the ministry of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lim. Dr. Lim left his profitable plastic surgery practice and comfortable life in the United States to minister to the poorest of the poor; the most rejected people in society.

There was story after story of grace in action! Consider just a few:

“A teenage mom walked in holding a 1-month-old with a completely cleft lip. She sat, gazed at her baby, and smiled—no, glowed: She’s in love with her baby. The father, a few years older, wearing a Michael Jordan 23 shirt, was unsmiling. When Lim said, “We will fix his lip,” the mom beamed even more broadly, but the father remained stern.

Then Lim said, “Jesus brought me, brought us, here for him.” The man suddenly smiled, as if just getting it, and enthusiastically shook the doctor’s hand.

A 13-year-old girl slipped in, holding up her scarf to cover her mouth. She uncovered her mouth only when seated before Lim—and her reason for hiding behind her scarf was immediately obvious. Lim maintained his composure, examined her, and said to the translator, “Tell her that she will need more than one operation. We will do everything we can to help. Jesus brought us here, brought us all here, for her.”

The girl again covered her mouth as she went out. Lim mentioned to me, “That’s the first time I’ve seen this in person. We don’t have this in the U.S.—I only saw pictures before.”


A 12-year-old came in with his mouth frozen in a grimace. Malnourishment had provided the base for an infection when he was 5. Now he is missing a lot of tissue, skin, and part of his mouth. He had wanted to commit suicide, but Lim said, “We can help you. Jesus brought me, brought us here, for you.” The grimace did not, could not (for now) change—but it will”

I want to be like Dr. Lim!

Oh, God, please turn me away from my oft’ selfish, petty heart!!
And cause me to love YOU so much that your love SPLASHES OUT on the people around me.

Thank You for forgiving me all my sins!

Your grateful sheep,
Tara B.