Sin & Repentance

Gossip is …

In his sermon this morning, our pastor defined gossip as:

Sharing something that is true, but sharing only part of the information, with someone who has no right to know and no desire to help.

I immediately began to think through a grid of my own speech and how often I fail to live out Ephesians 4:29 (to let “no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen”).

How often are we tempted to gossip?
To bear false witness?
Slander and accuse?
Breathe graceless, gospel-less, cross-less words of condemnation?
(Especially when someone hurts and offends us.)

How I pray that my words will be seasoned with salt, as it were!
 A balm of grace.
The kind of love that covers over a multitude of sins … pure grace.

(You’ll probably be hearing more from me on this topic in the coming weeks and months. I seem to be in the battle a bit concerning a certain relationship. May God have mercy! He does. He does.)

Clinging to Christ–
Who is clinging to me with an everlasting love (and giving me grace to believe)!

Tara B.