Relationships & Peacemaking


One of Fred’s favorite quotes on forgiveness comes from World Magazine’s Andree Seu:

“I asked a few people if they’d ever forgiven anyone, and what it felt like. They gave me answers so pious I knew they’d never done it.”

Does this describe you? I know it has described me at times.

But then I think about the people who have actually forgiven me. What that felt like. How it healed our relationship and ministered the truth of the gospel to me.
And I think about the times that I have forgiven—really forgiven—someone who has deeply wronged me. Sometimes, that forgiveness came only after I kicked and screamed and was pretty much (thankfully) dragged into obedience by God’s grace alone (because in my flesh I would have wallowed in self, pride, anger, and bitterness for even longer periods of time).

Is there someone you need to forgive today? Easter Week is the perfect time to meditate on the true model and means of this miraculous, painful, restorative obedience:

Seven Words from the Cross: The Word of Forgiveness


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