Relationships & Peacemaking

Evaluating Organizations

Recently, at one of my booktables, a woman asked me about a certain ministry. Apparently, she had met some people who were affiliated with this organization and they just despised it. They thought it was a “cult” and “intrusive” and boy! They just didn’t have anything good to say about it.

The woman was careful in her speech and seemed very winsome and genuine in simply seeking to be wise re: seeking my opinion and thoughts about this organization.

I told her my best understanding of the people leading it; the theology that it espouses; and my experience of the resources that it produces.

But I also told her this:

I encourage you to not evaluate an organization, church, denomination, ministry, etc., based on what one person says or even what a few people say. It seems to me that every organization has certain people that, for whatever reason, are going to HATE it.

Every organization also, I bet, has people associated with it who REALLY represent it poorly. They may be heretical in their theology/doctrine; legalistic or licentious in their behavior; unloving and proud; foolish and immature … but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the organization should be rejected out of hand.

Rather, we should be wise and seek to understand the best representation of what an organization actually believes, espouses, and promotes. And then remember that people are fallen, fickle, and often poor representatives.


She graciously accepted my thoughts–and I do hope that she will get to know the organization that she was inquiring about because I think it is (imperfect! but …) GREAT.

OK. Back to work now. I am trying to frame out my workshops for this fall’s Peacemaker Conference … so of course I am tempted to do everything BUT the task at hand.

Joy to you!

Tara B.