Relationships & Peacemaking

Dr. Hawkins on Unity

Dr. Hawkins (formerly of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship) taught this morning on the characteristics of unity. He used Ephesians 4 as his text and here are just a few highlights from his teaching:

In Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul is literally begging the church to ‘not just talk it—but to WALK it.’ To walk as if you have been called by someone special.

– Humility is wanting to do the most for the other person. (And humility begats …)
– Gentleness with patience (which is endurance that is willing to take PAIN in order to endure).

I couldn’t help but reflect on how LACKING I am in humility. Seriously. How often am I truly concerned more about OTHER PEOPLE than I am about my own comfort, convenience, happiness, godliness, security … whatever? Not often enough.

I am praying for the grace to grow in what obviously is a weak area for me. May God help me! And may He be glorified and His grace conforms me more to the image of His Son.


Amen & Amen!

And love to all—

Your sister in Christ,
Tara B.