Sin & Repentance

Don’t delay!

Last night I had a disturbing dream about a certain person with whom I have a relatively strained relationship. I would like to have a better relationship with her, but honestly, I don’t.

In the dream, I was yelling at her and speaking rudely to her in a harsh, critical, and judgmental manner. And then she died. Right then. Right after I was treating her so unlovingly.

I remember in the dream trying to defend myself to the people around me: “She came around and forgave me right before she died!” I self-protectively explained.

(Yeah, right. I just didn’t want people to think less of me–even in my dreams, my pride is an offensive stench.)

I woke up from the dream genuinely grieved. Not over my dream (I don’t want to overstate the importance of dreams or imply in any way that they are something they’re not) — but over my sin. You see, I knew immediately that in real life I had not been honoring the Lord or this person by my words, attitudes, and actions. I did have a harsh and critical spirit towards her. And even if I may not yell at her in real life, I knew that I was not seeking to bless and encourage her as I ought.


God moves in mysterious ways! And I was grateful to immediately begin this morning by calling her and reaching out to her in love. How I pray that I will persevere in doing good to her–for none of us know what tomorrow will bring. We may not have another day or week or month to seek to repair broken relationships, confess sins, ask forgiveness, and be reconciled.

So don’t delay!

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12