
Discussion board …

Hey friends!

I just spent a few minutes glancing at your posts on our little discussion board and boy! Was I blessed by how you encouraged / counseled / prayed for one another. Thrilling! Truly.

I do SO hope that you will continue to minister to one another … my goal is really to facilitate an online environment where your wisdom can bless others and point them to Christ. So I’m just thrilled — oh, and I do hope that you’ll let me know how I can (try to) improve things for you too.

I do have a favor to ask, though …

One of you emailed me about a certain discussion board post that you really wanted MY input/thoughts on and I poked around tonight and couldn’t figure out which post it was. If this is YOU, would you pretty please email me and let me know.

(I know this would be the second time you asked me–but I am stuck and I truly want to bless you. I take FULL responsibility for messing this up–and I just ask for your mercy. I used to be more organized. Really. But not so much anymore, eh?)


OK — I’m off to bed now.

God bless you!
And G’nite!

Tara B.