Fear Not!

Counseling and Physiology Class: Psychiatry

CCEF put up an oldie but a goodie series of posts by Dr. Mike Emlet that I encourage you to read:

Counseling and Physiology Class: Psychiatry

To tempt you to click on through, I’ll give you just a few lines from the top of the first post:

– What role do genetics play in the onset/development of psychiatric issues?

– What role, if any, should we grant to evil spirits/the demonic in the approach to mental illness?

– What relative weight should we give to relational and situational factors in both the onset and treatment of disordered mood and cognition?

– How reliable are psychiatric diagnoses?

– What help does the gospel give in the most severe cases, for example, psychosis?

– What actually constitutes mental health vs. mental illness? Who decides on the categories? (The suffering person? Their family? The medical establishment? Counselors? Society at large? Scripture?)


– What role does technology (e.g. psychopharmacology, neuroscience) play in the definition what is ‘normal’ vs. ‘abnormal?’

TOTALLY makes me wish that their 2011 national conference was closer than months away:

Psychiatric Disorders: A Compassionate Look at Complex Problems

I can’t wait!

Thanking God for CCEF

Your friend,
Tara B.