CCEF Live Blogs

CCEF Conference: Guilt & Shame

Having prayed for him for years as he worked on it, our family was thrilled with Dr. Ed Welch’s book on shame was released this year:

Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness and Rejection

It really is my favorite book from 2012. I encourage you to read it, even if you don’t struggle with overwhelming feelings of badness, not-good-enough-ness, not measuring up, being worthy only of rejection (all descriptors for unbiblical shame) … because someone you know and love probably does. So don’t you want to be equipped to minister the beauty and power of the gospel to the shame-based people in your life? I do. (I need this help myself and I want to be ready to serve others.)

Thus, in addition to reading (and re-reading) the book, I am also checking in (as much as I can) on all of the online resources for 2012 CCEF Conference (that is going on right now). In just a few minutes, I leave to begin my service at a women’s conference in Oregon this weekend, so it may be Saturday evening/Sunday before I get to spend extended time with them. But I encourage you to stay in touch with CCEF if you would like to learn more about this topic:

Thank you, CCEF Team, for serving the Lord and His Bride with such care, biblical faithfulness, and strategic, practical helps!

Tara B. 

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