Please Pray for Troops & Chaplains

Avoid this book if you don’t have the time to read it ALL!

Until today, I had not ready any books about 9/11. I did not go and see “United 93” and I doubt I ever will. The evil poured out on that day is just so awful and the lives of each victim so precious and real … well … it’s just not a topic that I’ve cared to “curl up with a good book” over. Until now.

I just finished reading a book that kept me engaged like no book since Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II’s Greatest Rescue Mission (which I literally could NOT stop reading until I finished it at like 4:30AM).

The book is:

Touching History: The Untold Story of the Drama that Unfolded in the Skies over America on 9/11

And I heartily recommend it if …

– You have been reticent to read books about 9/11

– You enjoy well-written books and cringe at (and close!) books with ridiculous prose and sloppy logic/facts/grammar

– You have time to read the whole thing


In addition, of course, if you love the USA or the cause of freedom in any nation; if you appreciate the wisdom, skills, sacrifice, and bravery of our men and women in military; and if you’re an (almost million-miler) frequent flyer like myself (so airport/air traffic control stuff is a normal part of your life and you’d like a glimpse “behind the scenes”) … read this book!

You know–I have so many huge projects that need my attention … I guess a few hours being lost in something totally “other” was just what my mind and heart needed.

Well done, author Lynn Spencer!
And may God have mercy on all of the people everywhere who are fighting against the evil of terrorism.

Tara B.

(HT: MilitaryMotivator)