Fear Not!,  Just for Fun!

And then a GIANT SPIDER crawled right over my notes on the podium …

Even though it’s usually my happy place, I can understand why some people are afraid to speak in front of large groups.

And even though they don’t usually freak me out, I can likewise understand why some people are afraid of spiders. They can be creepy!

So today? I had an experience that would definitely be extremely troubling to any people for whom both of these fears overlap … as I was teaching at my women’s retreat in Tennessee, a GIANT SPIDER skittered up and over the edge of my podium and right across my speaker notes. Yeek!

Pretty much without blinking, I set down the microphone, grabbed the nearest resource (a Peacemaker Workbook) and squashed the life right out of that puppy. BLECH! There were a LOT of spider guts on that poor ol’ workbook.

Totally reminded me of this hysterical photo I shared on FaceBook the other day. (Sorry I can’t find a photo credit for it. If you know who owns it, please let me know so that I can credit/link accordingly.)