• Singleness & Marriage

    Dancing in the Minefields

    Fred showed me this video after our date last night and while I enjoyed it (and enjoyed having a tear go down my cheek as I looked up into my dear husband’s wobbly tear-stained eyes too), I don’t know if I would’ve necessarily blogged it. But two very specific details that the singer/songwriter referenced about his own marriage just struck me as so serendipitously delightful that I wanted to share it with you. The two details are his own “$40 wedding rings” (the exact price of our wedding bands) and their “fifteen years” of marriage—the exact length of marriage we will celebrate, Lord willing, this coming August 5th. So, with…

  • Hope in Suffering

    Adult Children Who Appear Spiritually Dead

    I know that one of the greatest griefs a person can bear is the knowledge that his or her beloved adult child is not walking with the Lord in daily, saving faith.  This article by Pastor Anyabwile is a great encouragement to all of us, but particularly for parents of wayward children: God the Holy Spirit’s Use of a Choice Word  

  • Grace in Daily Life

    Theology of Enough

    Wisdom re: simplifying life from Dave Kraft (author of Leaders Who Last): – Turn down opportunities that might be a good use of who I am but not the best use of who I am. Just last week I said no to two people who offered me a great chance to do something. – Never say yes to anything over the phone, but buy time to think and pray about it. – Practice the theology of enough. I have no list of things that fall into the category of: I would be happy if______. – Ask God to deliver me from an unhealthy appetite for acclaim, approval, position, power, and…

  • Singleness & Marriage

    Leadership and Family Vacations

    I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this link before—but the series is so good that I may end up posting it every summer: Leadership and Family Vacations Though directed at husbands, there are helpful and wise insights for every member of a family that has ever ended up fighting, “miserable,” and anything-BUT-the-happy-Disney-brochure-family on a vacation. We’re actually doing pretty well around here (praise the Lord!)—but we’re in the home stretch now … a little fried, a little out-of-sorts from not being in our own home, etc. etc. But mostly happy and grateful, so that’s good. And VERY aware of our need for the grace of God in Christ, so that’s great.…

  • Redeeming Church Conflicts

    Our Denomination’s Biggest Threat — SHALLOW RELATIONSHIPS? Yes!

    One of the heroes of my faith is preachin’ it in this interview over at byFaith: Our Biggest Threat is Shallow Relationships: Our Conversation with Ligon Duncan So many great points, but listen to just a few: “The PCA’s polity, history, and present practice allow us to be independent of one another. ‘We can admit people into our presbyteries,’ Duncan says, ‘but we never have to cooperate with them; we never have to work shoulder-to-shoulder with them.’ As a result there’s no cause to think about other churches and pastors until we become suspicious of their opinions or their approach to ministry. A second factor, Duncan says, is that, ‘We…