• Hope in Suffering

    Biography of Elizabeth Prentiss

    PalmTreePundit just posted a great article on a new biography of Elizabeth Prentiss. I encourage you to read the entire post, but let me tempt you with just a snippet. (A particularly a propos one, given our family’s current situation.) “Lay down this principle as a law, — God does nothing arbitrary. If he takes away your health for instance, it is because He has some reason for doing so; and this is true of everything you value; and if you have real faith in Him, you will not insist on knowing this reason. If you find in the course of everyday events, that your self-consecration was not perfect, —…

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    Blogging the Institutes

    Well … so far, so good. I’m reading Calvin’s Institutes (and loving it, by the way) and looking forward to the Ref21 Monday-Friday blogging of the Institutes starting tomorrow (January 5). It’s not too late to join in! The reading assignments aren’t that long and it’s really encouraging, edifying stuff. (The kind that makes you go, “Yes! That’s TRUE! Amen! Thank You, Lord!”) Still need a reason to try? Check out Ligon Duncan’s Ten Reasons to Read Through Calvin’s Institutes in 2009. Hope to see you over on the Blogging the Institutes Discussion!   Yours, Tara B.